Welcome to the home of Mykitchen University. Located at… well, the name says it all, really.

This is where I earned a Ph. DC. A doctorate in the fine art of Drinking Coffee. It wasn’t easy; every class was an early morning class. But I made it through. I was even able to pick up enough French so I can press some pots on the coffee road… so to speak.


This page is all about talking with each other as we might while sitting at the kitchen table whilst sipping of some coffee and maybe nibbling on a doughnut (or Kringle preferably).

These conversations are going to be about all things Christ, God, and us folks as we relate to him. Feel free to tell me what you would like discussed.

Now, I have started a new series on YouTube called Snippets of A Christian Life. These are spoken word poetry videos. Poems that I have written and am now reading. I’m not a great poet, no poet laureate, am I. But they're not half bad. The next series that I am working on is all about the kitchen conversational approach to the Christian faith. Starting with what Christianity is and using that definition as the lens through which all the discussion flows.

While this lens may not go as in-depth on some of the topics as you might like, it will give context to all the depth you can possibly find on those topics. They are not meant to be all-inclusive lectures but conversations that help you keep your feet and your balance as you wade deeper into each topic.

Mykitchen U will be fleshed out and so, it is a work in progress. Thank you.