I'm the one on the left. Just in case there was any doubt...

I am the one on the left. Just in case there was any doubt...


Hello, my name is Charles Yerkes. Basically, I’m just your average fun-loving, easy-going, and deep-thinking individual. 

I love God, dad jokes, pondering the mysteries of life, and coffee. Can’t forget the coffee. 

Oh, before I forget that hint I mentioned on our home page. The reference is Hebrews 10:24-25. The double points that were mentioned…? A figure of speech.

Now, mine has been an interesting path, I have done many things. I’ve been a Staff Sargent in the Air National Guard, a carpenter, a locksmith, the founder of a Christian singles group, a photographer, a storyteller, a manager of a coffee shop, and many things besides.

No matter what I was doing, I always tried to live a life that showed God’s love to others. However, a few years ago, I began wanting to do more in terms of sharing God’s love, specifically with other Christians. As I enjoy stories and writing, I figured the thing to do was to learn to write like C. S. Lewis. To share information about God by taking big and complex theological ideas and clearly stating them in a sentence or two. That is what I wanted to do.

So, I went back to school to learn how. It took a few years, and I now have a Master of Arts in Theological Studies and a fine piece of paper on the wall saying so. I also have other not-so-fine pieces of paper saying what I still owe for that fine, fine piece of paper on my wall. Good thing there is plenty of coffee to keep me going.

Well, the longer I was in school, the more my vision began to change. It shifted from merely sharing information, like C. S. Lewis did, to truly connecting with and strengthening other like-minded Christians in their faith. Helping them to learn more about Jesus and grow in their love for God. A subtle but profound shift in focus.

So, The Simple Not Shallow Ministry was born. Since receiving that ‘fine piece of paper,’ I have begun building those connections through videos, social media, blogging, and now podcasts. It is a work in progress. I am a work in progress.  

The name Simple Not Shallow refers to faith. A faith that is simple enough that a child may have it (Mark 10:14,15) and one that is not shallow. One deep enough for adults to navigate with; one that has the wisdom of a serpent (Matthew 10:16). One that is thought out, practical, and strong enough to face the real-world challenges that face us all. One that has roots deep enough to help you weather all storms. The kind of faith that helps you thrive even as the storm rages around you.

This is reflected in my motto:

Existence begins at life, living begins at love. And love is not an emotion. It is an individual. Love is Jesus. 

Now, don’t get mushy on me. This will be explored everywhere on this site. But I think this is enough for now.

And, at the risk of being longwinded, I do want to share one last thing about me.

If I had a second motto it would be this:

 Friends don’t let friends drink instant coffee! 

I do love coffee; in it, I find apt metaphors and illustrations for a strong and vital faith in Christ. I liken French Press coffee to the abundant life Jesus came to give; simple, strong, full of flavor, and richly satisfying.

Instant coffee is the coffee that isn’t quite coffee enough. It is likened to a life that is not connected to Jesus; one missing out on a vital and vibrant relationship with him. It is existing but not living. (see what I did there?)


