Why This Lens?

So, why do I want to look at each topic we discuss through the lens of our definition of Christianity?

Simply put, if this is what Christianity is, it is the only way to find the abundance of life that Jesus came to bring. To not do so is to leave us with a stunted version of Christian faith at best. At worst, something other than Christian faith.

Also, this is the example of the life of Christ. He was always relating to the Father and to those around him. He was always listening to and so learning from the Father and then teaching others (Hebrews 5:8,9; John 8:26-30). And he was always about the Father’s business.

Since this was modeled in Jesus’ life, should not we, who claim to follow him, do so as well? So that is the why. Following the example of Jesus is the only way to be a follower of his.

What does this look like practically?

If we forget the relationship aspect, we get cold and calculating religion.

If we forget the studentship aspect, we get a mushy feel-good religion.

If we forget the enacting of what is learned, we get a mushy feel-good social club.

When we focus on all three, we can frame everything in terms of a relationship with God while learning all that can be learned and enacting all that is learned.

This way, apologetics, and theology come together to help us grow in our relationship with God rather than in mere head knowledge. And in this way, our neighbors become blessed and are drawn to God by how this growth in relationship has impacted how we live and how we treat them.

Spend time praying and reading the Bible, having asked God to reveal himself to you during this time. Ask him to help you become the complete, well-rounded follower of Christ he wants you to be. Ask him for the wisdom needed to learn the lessons he is teaching and how to put those lessons into practice.